The Laboratory

foto labcri

The UFMG Crystallography Laboratory (LabCri) is a facility that provides services related to X-ray diffraction techniques. X-ray diffraction analysis are meant to obtaining structural (atomic positions) and chemical information of samples without destroying them. LabCri has a specialized technical-scientific team and supports researchers from different institutions in the development of RD&I projects.

Since 2018, LabCri has been part of FINEP’s network of National Multiuser Centers. Since 2019, LabCri, together with the Microscopy Center (CM-UFMG) and the Nanomaterials Characterization and Processing Laboratory (LCPNano), formed the Associated Laboratory of Nanotechnology at LANANO-UFMG, accredited by the National System of Laboratories in Nanotechnologies – SisNANO 2.0, for “effective support to the development of nanoscience and nanotechnology”.

LabCri offers the following services:

– Characterization of materials (inputs, ores, clays, drugs, etc.);
– Diffraction by single crystals (organic, inorganic, mineral and protein compounds).